Seeds available at Upper Dublin Library
​​Ambler Keystone branch donated seeds to the Upper Dublin Library Seed Bank.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Encouraging Pollinator Patches in Neighborhoods​​
Click the link below for an informative article on replacing mowed lawns with pollinator patches and how to encourage neighbors to do the same:
Neighborly Natural Landscaping in Residential Areas (psu.edu)​​
Letter from Shauna (friendsofAtwater.org)

2025 Meeting Schedule
Location: Temple Ambler Campus Visitor Center unless stated otherwise
​Email: amblerfg@gmail.com to be added to the distribution list and receive information about upcoming meetings and events
Google Map Location: Click Here visitor center at Temple University Ambler Campus, Meetinghouse Road, Ambler, PA
Park in Lot 1 on Meetinghouse Rd. Ambler, PA and walk across the street and up the hill. The Visitor Center is on the roadway to the left of the barn.​​
February 17th:
Potluck Dinner and Book Club Social ​​​
​Seed Exchange and Catalogue/Resource Sharing
Bring a simple dish to feed 6 – 8 people for our potluck dinner
Presentation and Discussion: Winter Sowing For outside germination Plus: indoor seeds under lights
Bring a garden book to share
Bring your favorite garden resources for Show and Tell (ie catalogues, magazines, e-sites, podcasts...)​​​​
March 17th:
Spring Speaker
Special Speaker: Randi Eckel, Phd will present “Landscaping with Native Plant Color: Beautiful Plants for Beautiful Places” and more
Randi is a naturalist and research entomologist, Owner of Toadshade Wildflower Farm, Frenchtown, and NJ Leader in Native Plant Society of New Jersey
Her passions are sustainability and environmental Conservation Wednesday
April 2nd:
Speaker at Delaware University
- Details:​​
Doug Tallamy speaks at Delaware Valley University
Sunday May 18th: - at Twining Park in Dresher
Native Plant Sale​
- Community Native Plant Sale
May 19th - Meeting place Twining/Spring at Twining Park:
- Details:​​​
Stroll and study our native plant demonstration Garden at Twining; explore spring bloom
Enjoy Herbal Cocktails in the garden
Native Plant Sale Continuation..
special discount for Members (join and enjoy the benefit)
Annual Meeting/Business meeting: annual reports
Election of officers
Cultivating herbs: for culinary, nutritional and medicinal purposes…. introduction
June - (date and location TBD
- Stay tuned as we identify an amazing garden tour and work out details about this group day trip
Help Temple Recover From the 2021 Tornado

Kentucky Coffee Trees on Bright Hall at Temple University Ambler. Photo: Kathleen Salisbury, 2021.
Tornado Recovery Underway at Temple University Ambler
Sept. 1, 2021 an EF2 tornado, a remnant from Hurricane Ida, touched down in the Ambler Arboretum causing significant damage to structures, botanical collections and horticultural displays.
Temple University Ambler, originally the Pennsylvania School of Horticulture for Women, is the home of WNF&GA Ambler-Keystone.
Photos From the September 2022 Tea

Club Highlights

Our beloved club member, Jenny Carey, has published two books:
“The Ultimate Flower Gardener’s Guide: How to Combine Shape, Color, and Texture to Create the Garden of Your Dreams” Order here!
"Glorious Shade: Dazzling Plants, Design Ideas, and Proven Techniques for Your Shady Garden" Order here!